Monday, November 27, 2017

Double chin treatment with Belkyra

Are you embarrassed by your double chin? Do you shy away from the camera and feel self-conscious at special events? Does it seem like you’ve tried everything to no avail?

Bid farewell to your double chin with Belkyra, a new groundbreaking injectable. After only two to four treatments and relatively easy recovery with this promising new treatment, you can rediscover a defined chin and jaw-line that has been lost for years. The injectable uses deoxycholic acid (a substance your body produces naturally) to break down targeted fat.

belkyra is the only non-surgical injectable treatment for reduction of fullness under the chin that has undergone rigorous clinical evaluation. The belkyra treatment is an individually-tailored, injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells under the chin (double chin). 

Herreklinikken is one of the clinics with the most experience with the belkyra treatment in Norway.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You so much for the blog. I also found the following blog helpful for the people who wants to know about Belkyra treatment in Dubai
